Expand description
Conversions to and from jiff’s Span
, SignedDuration
, TimeZone
, Date
, Time
, DateTime
, Zoned
, and Timestamp
To use this feature, add this to your Cargo.toml
jiff = "0.2"
pyo3 = { version = "0.24.0", features = ["jiff-02"] }
Note that you must use compatible versions of jiff and PyO3. The required jiff version may vary based on the version of PyO3. Jiff also requires a MSRV of 1.70.
§Example: Convert a datetime.datetime
to jiff Zoned
use jiff::{Zoned, SignedDuration, ToSpan};
use pyo3::{Python, PyResult, IntoPyObject, types::PyAnyMethods};
fn main() -> PyResult<()> {
Python::with_gil(|py| {
// Build some jiff values
let jiff_zoned = Zoned::now();
let jiff_span = 1.second();
// Convert them to Python
let py_datetime = jiff_zoned.into_pyobject(py)?;
let py_timedelta = SignedDuration::try_from(jiff_span)?.into_pyobject(py)?;
// Do an operation in Python
let py_sum = py_datetime.call_method1("__add__", (py_timedelta,))?;
// Convert back to Rust
let jiff_sum: Zoned = py_sum.extract()?;
println!("Zoned: {}", jiff_sum);