1use crate::attributes::{
2 self, get_pyo3_options, CrateAttribute, DefaultAttribute, FromPyWithAttribute,
3 RenameAllAttribute, RenamingRule,
5use crate::utils::{self, deprecated_from_py_with, Ctx};
6use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
7use quote::{format_ident, quote, quote_spanned, ToTokens};
8use syn::{
9 ext::IdentExt,
10 parenthesized,
11 parse::{Parse, ParseStream},
12 parse_quote,
13 punctuated::Punctuated,
14 spanned::Spanned,
15 Attribute, DataEnum, DeriveInput, Fields, Ident, LitStr, Result, Token,
18struct Enum<'a> {
20 enum_ident: &'a Ident,
21 variants: Vec<Container<'a>>,
24impl<'a> Enum<'a> {
25 fn new(data_enum: &'a DataEnum, ident: &'a Ident, options: ContainerOptions) -> Result<Self> {
30 ensure_spanned!(
31 !data_enum.variants.is_empty(),
32 ident.span() => "cannot derive FromPyObject for empty enum"
33 );
34 let variants = data_enum
35 .variants
36 .iter()
37 .map(|variant| {
38 let mut variant_options = ContainerOptions::from_attrs(&variant.attrs)?;
39 if let Some(rename_all) = &options.rename_all {
40 ensure_spanned!(
41 variant_options.rename_all.is_none(),
42 variant_options.rename_all.span() => "Useless variant `rename_all` - enum is already annotated with `rename_all"
43 );
44 variant_options.rename_all = Some(rename_all.clone());
46 }
47 let var_ident = &variant.ident;
48 Container::new(
49 &variant.fields,
50 parse_quote!(#ident::#var_ident),
51 variant_options,
52 )
53 })
54 .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?;
56 Ok(Enum {
57 enum_ident: ident,
58 variants,
59 })
60 }
62 fn build(&self, ctx: &Ctx) -> TokenStream {
64 let Ctx { pyo3_path, .. } = ctx;
65 let mut var_extracts = Vec::new();
66 let mut variant_names = Vec::new();
67 let mut error_names = Vec::new();
69 for var in &self.variants {
70 let struct_derive = var.build(ctx);
71 let ext = quote!({
72 let maybe_ret = || -> #pyo3_path::PyResult<Self> {
73 #struct_derive
74 }();
76 match maybe_ret {
77 ok @ ::std::result::Result::Ok(_) => return ok,
78 ::std::result::Result::Err(err) => err
79 }
80 });
82 var_extracts.push(ext);
83 variant_names.push(var.path.segments.last().unwrap().ident.to_string());
84 error_names.push(&var.err_name);
85 }
86 let ty_name = self.enum_ident.to_string();
87 quote!(
88 let errors = [
89 #(#var_extracts),*
90 ];
91 ::std::result::Result::Err(
92 #pyo3_path::impl_::frompyobject::failed_to_extract_enum(
93 obj.py(),
94 #ty_name,
95 &[#(#variant_names),*],
96 &[#(#error_names),*],
97 &errors
98 )
99 )
100 )
101 }
104struct NamedStructField<'a> {
105 ident: &'a syn::Ident,
106 getter: Option<FieldGetter>,
107 from_py_with: Option<FromPyWithAttribute>,
108 default: Option<DefaultAttribute>,
111struct TupleStructField {
112 from_py_with: Option<FromPyWithAttribute>,
115enum ContainerType<'a> {
119 Struct(Vec<NamedStructField<'a>>),
123 StructNewtype(&'a syn::Ident, Option<FromPyWithAttribute>),
127 Tuple(Vec<TupleStructField>),
132 TupleNewtype(Option<FromPyWithAttribute>),
138struct Container<'a> {
142 path: syn::Path,
143 ty: ContainerType<'a>,
144 err_name: String,
145 rename_rule: Option<RenamingRule>,
148impl<'a> Container<'a> {
149 fn new(fields: &'a Fields, path: syn::Path, options: ContainerOptions) -> Result<Self> {
153 let style = match fields {
154 Fields::Unnamed(unnamed) if !unnamed.unnamed.is_empty() => {
155 ensure_spanned!(
156 options.rename_all.is_none(),
157 options.rename_all.span() => "`rename_all` is useless on tuple structs and variants."
158 );
159 let mut tuple_fields = unnamed
160 .unnamed
161 .iter()
162 .map(|field| {
163 let attrs = FieldPyO3Attributes::from_attrs(&field.attrs)?;
164 ensure_spanned!(
165 attrs.getter.is_none(),
166 field.span() => "`getter` is not permitted on tuple struct elements."
167 );
168 ensure_spanned!(
169 attrs.default.is_none(),
170 field.span() => "`default` is not permitted on tuple struct elements."
171 );
172 Ok(TupleStructField {
173 from_py_with: attrs.from_py_with,
174 })
175 })
176 .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?;
178 if tuple_fields.len() == 1 {
179 let field = tuple_fields.pop().unwrap();
182 ContainerType::TupleNewtype(field.from_py_with)
183 } else if options.transparent {
184 bail_spanned!(
185 fields.span() => "transparent structs and variants can only have 1 field"
186 );
187 } else {
188 ContainerType::Tuple(tuple_fields)
189 }
190 }
191 Fields::Named(named) if !named.named.is_empty() => {
192 let mut struct_fields = named
193 .named
194 .iter()
195 .map(|field| {
196 let ident = field
197 .ident
198 .as_ref()
199 .expect("Named fields should have identifiers");
200 let mut attrs = FieldPyO3Attributes::from_attrs(&field.attrs)?;
202 if let Some(ref from_item_all) = options.from_item_all {
203 if let Some(replaced) = attrs.getter.replace(FieldGetter::GetItem(None))
204 {
205 match replaced {
206 FieldGetter::GetItem(Some(item_name)) => {
207 attrs.getter = Some(FieldGetter::GetItem(Some(item_name)));
208 }
209 FieldGetter::GetItem(None) => bail_spanned!(from_item_all.span() => "Useless `item` - the struct is already annotated with `from_item_all`"),
210 FieldGetter::GetAttr(_) => bail_spanned!(
211 from_item_all.span() => "The struct is already annotated with `from_item_all`, `attribute` is not allowed"
212 ),
213 }
214 }
215 }
217 Ok(NamedStructField {
218 ident,
219 getter: attrs.getter,
220 from_py_with: attrs.from_py_with,
221 default: attrs.default,
222 })
223 })
224 .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?;
225 if struct_fields.iter().all(|field| field.default.is_some()) {
226 bail_spanned!(
227 fields.span() => "cannot derive FromPyObject for structs and variants with only default values"
228 )
229 } else if options.transparent {
230 ensure_spanned!(
231 struct_fields.len() == 1,
232 fields.span() => "transparent structs and variants can only have 1 field"
233 );
234 ensure_spanned!(
235 options.rename_all.is_none(),
236 options.rename_all.span() => "`rename_all` is not permitted on `transparent` structs and variants"
237 );
238 let field = struct_fields.pop().unwrap();
239 ensure_spanned!(
240 field.getter.is_none(),
241 field.ident.span() => "`transparent` structs may not have a `getter` for the inner field"
242 );
243 ContainerType::StructNewtype(field.ident, field.from_py_with)
244 } else {
245 ContainerType::Struct(struct_fields)
246 }
247 }
248 _ => bail_spanned!(
249 fields.span() => "cannot derive FromPyObject for empty structs and variants"
250 ),
251 };
252 let err_name = options.annotation.map_or_else(
253 || path.segments.last().unwrap().ident.to_string(),
254 |lit_str| lit_str.value(),
255 );
257 let v = Container {
258 path,
259 ty: style,
260 err_name,
261 rename_rule: options.rename_all.map(|v| v.value.rule),
262 };
263 Ok(v)
264 }
266 fn name(&self) -> String {
267 let mut value = String::new();
268 for segment in &self.path.segments {
269 if !value.is_empty() {
270 value.push_str("::");
271 }
272 value.push_str(&segment.ident.to_string());
273 }
274 value
275 }
277 fn build(&self, ctx: &Ctx) -> TokenStream {
279 match &self.ty {
280 ContainerType::StructNewtype(ident, from_py_with) => {
281 self.build_newtype_struct(Some(ident), from_py_with, ctx)
282 }
283 ContainerType::TupleNewtype(from_py_with) => {
284 self.build_newtype_struct(None, from_py_with, ctx)
285 }
286 ContainerType::Tuple(tups) => self.build_tuple_struct(tups, ctx),
287 ContainerType::Struct(tups) => self.build_struct(tups, ctx),
288 }
289 }
291 fn build_newtype_struct(
292 &self,
293 field_ident: Option<&Ident>,
294 from_py_with: &Option<FromPyWithAttribute>,
295 ctx: &Ctx,
296 ) -> TokenStream {
297 let Ctx { pyo3_path, .. } = ctx;
298 let self_ty = &self.path;
299 let struct_name = self.name();
300 if let Some(ident) = field_ident {
301 let field_name = ident.to_string();
302 if let Some(FromPyWithAttribute {
303 kw,
304 value: expr_path,
305 }) = from_py_with
306 {
307 let deprecation = deprecated_from_py_with(expr_path).unwrap_or_default();
309 let extractor = quote_spanned! { kw.span =>
310 { let from_py_with: fn(_) -> _ = #expr_path; from_py_with }
311 };
312 quote! {
313 #deprecation
314 Ok(#self_ty {
315 #ident: #pyo3_path::impl_::frompyobject::extract_struct_field_with(#extractor, obj, #struct_name, #field_name)?
316 })
317 }
318 } else {
319 quote! {
320 Ok(#self_ty {
321 #ident: #pyo3_path::impl_::frompyobject::extract_struct_field(obj, #struct_name, #field_name)?
322 })
323 }
324 }
325 } else if let Some(FromPyWithAttribute {
326 kw,
327 value: expr_path,
328 }) = from_py_with
329 {
330 let deprecation = deprecated_from_py_with(expr_path).unwrap_or_default();
332 let extractor = quote_spanned! { kw.span =>
333 { let from_py_with: fn(_) -> _ = #expr_path; from_py_with }
334 };
335 quote! {
336 #deprecation
337 #pyo3_path::impl_::frompyobject::extract_tuple_struct_field_with(#extractor, obj, #struct_name, 0).map(#self_ty)
338 }
339 } else {
340 quote! {
341 #pyo3_path::impl_::frompyobject::extract_tuple_struct_field(obj, #struct_name, 0).map(#self_ty)
342 }
343 }
344 }
346 fn build_tuple_struct(&self, struct_fields: &[TupleStructField], ctx: &Ctx) -> TokenStream {
347 let Ctx { pyo3_path, .. } = ctx;
348 let self_ty = &self.path;
349 let struct_name = &self.name();
350 let field_idents: Vec<_> = (0..struct_fields.len())
351 .map(|i| format_ident!("arg{}", i))
352 .collect();
353 let fields = struct_fields.iter().zip(&field_idents).enumerate().map(|(index, (field, ident))| {
354 if let Some(FromPyWithAttribute {
355 kw,
356 value: expr_path, ..
357 }) = &field.from_py_with {
358 let extractor = quote_spanned! { kw.span =>
359 { let from_py_with: fn(_) -> _ = #expr_path; from_py_with }
360 };
361 quote! {
362 #pyo3_path::impl_::frompyobject::extract_tuple_struct_field_with(#extractor, &#ident, #struct_name, #index)?
363 }
364 } else {
365 quote!{
366 #pyo3_path::impl_::frompyobject::extract_tuple_struct_field(&#ident, #struct_name, #index)?
367 }}
368 });
370 let deprecations = struct_fields
371 .iter()
372 .filter_map(|fields| fields.from_py_with.as_ref())
373 .filter_map(|kw| deprecated_from_py_with(&kw.value))
374 .collect::<TokenStream>();
376 quote!(
377 #deprecations
378 match #pyo3_path::types::PyAnyMethods::extract(obj) {
379 ::std::result::Result::Ok((#(#field_idents),*)) => ::std::result::Result::Ok(#self_ty(#(#fields),*)),
380 ::std::result::Result::Err(err) => ::std::result::Result::Err(err),
381 }
382 )
383 }
385 fn build_struct(&self, struct_fields: &[NamedStructField<'_>], ctx: &Ctx) -> TokenStream {
386 let Ctx { pyo3_path, .. } = ctx;
387 let self_ty = &self.path;
388 let struct_name = self.name();
389 let mut fields: Punctuated<TokenStream, Token![,]> = Punctuated::new();
390 for field in struct_fields {
391 let ident = field.ident;
392 let field_name = ident.unraw().to_string();
393 let getter = match field.getter.as_ref().unwrap_or(&FieldGetter::GetAttr(None)) {
394 FieldGetter::GetAttr(Some(name)) => {
395 quote!(#pyo3_path::types::PyAnyMethods::getattr(obj, #pyo3_path::intern!(obj.py(), #name)))
396 }
397 FieldGetter::GetAttr(None) => {
398 let name = self
399 .rename_rule
400 .map(|rule| utils::apply_renaming_rule(rule, &field_name));
401 let name = name.as_deref().unwrap_or(&field_name);
402 quote!(#pyo3_path::types::PyAnyMethods::getattr(obj, #pyo3_path::intern!(obj.py(), #name)))
403 }
404 FieldGetter::GetItem(Some(syn::Lit::Str(key))) => {
405 quote!(#pyo3_path::types::PyAnyMethods::get_item(obj, #pyo3_path::intern!(obj.py(), #key)))
406 }
407 FieldGetter::GetItem(Some(key)) => {
408 quote!(#pyo3_path::types::PyAnyMethods::get_item(obj, #key))
409 }
410 FieldGetter::GetItem(None) => {
411 let name = self
412 .rename_rule
413 .map(|rule| utils::apply_renaming_rule(rule, &field_name));
414 let name = name.as_deref().unwrap_or(&field_name);
415 quote!(#pyo3_path::types::PyAnyMethods::get_item(obj, #pyo3_path::intern!(obj.py(), #name)))
416 }
417 };
418 let extractor = if let Some(FromPyWithAttribute {
419 kw,
420 value: expr_path,
421 }) = &field.from_py_with
422 {
423 let extractor = quote_spanned! { kw.span =>
424 { let from_py_with: fn(_) -> _ = #expr_path; from_py_with }
425 };
426 quote! (#pyo3_path::impl_::frompyobject::extract_struct_field_with(#extractor, &#getter?, #struct_name, #field_name)?)
427 } else {
428 quote!(#pyo3_path::impl_::frompyobject::extract_struct_field(&value, #struct_name, #field_name)?)
429 };
430 let extracted = if let Some(default) = &field.default {
431 let default_expr = if let Some(default_expr) = &default.value {
432 default_expr.to_token_stream()
433 } else {
434 quote!(::std::default::Default::default())
435 };
436 quote!(if let ::std::result::Result::Ok(value) = #getter {
437 #extractor
438 } else {
439 #default_expr
440 })
441 } else {
442 quote!({
443 let value = #getter?;
444 #extractor
445 })
446 };
448 fields.push(quote!(#ident: #extracted));
449 }
451 let d = struct_fields
452 .iter()
453 .filter_map(|field| field.from_py_with.as_ref())
454 .filter_map(|kw| deprecated_from_py_with(&kw.value))
455 .collect::<TokenStream>();
457 quote!(#d ::std::result::Result::Ok(#self_ty{#fields}))
458 }
462struct ContainerOptions {
463 transparent: bool,
465 from_item_all: Option<attributes::kw::from_item_all>,
467 annotation: Option<syn::LitStr>,
469 krate: Option<CrateAttribute>,
471 rename_all: Option<RenameAllAttribute>,
475enum ContainerPyO3Attribute {
477 Transparent(attributes::kw::transparent),
479 ItemAll(attributes::kw::from_item_all),
481 ErrorAnnotation(LitStr),
483 Crate(CrateAttribute),
485 RenameAll(RenameAllAttribute),
489impl Parse for ContainerPyO3Attribute {
490 fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> Result<Self> {
491 let lookahead = input.lookahead1();
492 if lookahead.peek(attributes::kw::transparent) {
493 let kw: attributes::kw::transparent = input.parse()?;
494 Ok(ContainerPyO3Attribute::Transparent(kw))
495 } else if lookahead.peek(attributes::kw::from_item_all) {
496 let kw: attributes::kw::from_item_all = input.parse()?;
497 Ok(ContainerPyO3Attribute::ItemAll(kw))
498 } else if lookahead.peek(attributes::kw::annotation) {
499 let _: attributes::kw::annotation = input.parse()?;
500 let _: Token![=] = input.parse()?;
501 input.parse().map(ContainerPyO3Attribute::ErrorAnnotation)
502 } else if lookahead.peek(Token![crate]) {
503 input.parse().map(ContainerPyO3Attribute::Crate)
504 } else if lookahead.peek(attributes::kw::rename_all) {
505 input.parse().map(ContainerPyO3Attribute::RenameAll)
506 } else {
507 Err(lookahead.error())
508 }
509 }
512impl ContainerOptions {
513 fn from_attrs(attrs: &[Attribute]) -> Result<Self> {
514 let mut options = ContainerOptions::default();
516 for attr in attrs {
517 if let Some(pyo3_attrs) = get_pyo3_options(attr)? {
518 for pyo3_attr in pyo3_attrs {
519 match pyo3_attr {
520 ContainerPyO3Attribute::Transparent(kw) => {
521 ensure_spanned!(
522 !options.transparent,
523 kw.span() => "`transparent` may only be provided once"
524 );
525 options.transparent = true;
526 }
527 ContainerPyO3Attribute::ItemAll(kw) => {
528 ensure_spanned!(
529 options.from_item_all.is_none(),
530 kw.span() => "`from_item_all` may only be provided once"
531 );
532 options.from_item_all = Some(kw);
533 }
534 ContainerPyO3Attribute::ErrorAnnotation(lit_str) => {
535 ensure_spanned!(
536 options.annotation.is_none(),
537 lit_str.span() => "`annotation` may only be provided once"
538 );
539 options.annotation = Some(lit_str);
540 }
541 ContainerPyO3Attribute::Crate(path) => {
542 ensure_spanned!(
543 options.krate.is_none(),
544 path.span() => "`crate` may only be provided once"
545 );
546 options.krate = Some(path);
547 }
548 ContainerPyO3Attribute::RenameAll(rename_all) => {
549 ensure_spanned!(
550 options.rename_all.is_none(),
551 rename_all.span() => "`rename_all` may only be provided once"
552 );
553 options.rename_all = Some(rename_all);
554 }
555 }
556 }
557 }
558 }
559 Ok(options)
560 }
563#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
565struct FieldPyO3Attributes {
566 getter: Option<FieldGetter>,
567 from_py_with: Option<FromPyWithAttribute>,
568 default: Option<DefaultAttribute>,
571#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
572enum FieldGetter {
573 GetItem(Option<syn::Lit>),
574 GetAttr(Option<LitStr>),
577enum FieldPyO3Attribute {
578 Getter(FieldGetter),
579 FromPyWith(FromPyWithAttribute),
580 Default(DefaultAttribute),
583impl Parse for FieldPyO3Attribute {
584 fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> Result<Self> {
585 let lookahead = input.lookahead1();
586 if lookahead.peek(attributes::kw::attribute) {
587 let _: attributes::kw::attribute = input.parse()?;
588 if input.peek(syn::token::Paren) {
589 let content;
590 let _ = parenthesized!(content in input);
591 let attr_name: LitStr = content.parse()?;
592 if !content.is_empty() {
593 return Err(content.error(
594 "expected at most one argument: `attribute` or `attribute(\"name\")`",
595 ));
596 }
597 ensure_spanned!(
598 !attr_name.value().is_empty(),
599 attr_name.span() => "attribute name cannot be empty"
600 );
601 Ok(FieldPyO3Attribute::Getter(FieldGetter::GetAttr(Some(
602 attr_name,
603 ))))
604 } else {
605 Ok(FieldPyO3Attribute::Getter(FieldGetter::GetAttr(None)))
606 }
607 } else if lookahead.peek(attributes::kw::item) {
608 let _: attributes::kw::item = input.parse()?;
609 if input.peek(syn::token::Paren) {
610 let content;
611 let _ = parenthesized!(content in input);
612 let key = content.parse()?;
613 if !content.is_empty() {
614 return Err(
615 content.error("expected at most one argument: `item` or `item(key)`")
616 );
617 }
618 Ok(FieldPyO3Attribute::Getter(FieldGetter::GetItem(Some(key))))
619 } else {
620 Ok(FieldPyO3Attribute::Getter(FieldGetter::GetItem(None)))
621 }
622 } else if lookahead.peek(attributes::kw::from_py_with) {
623 input.parse().map(FieldPyO3Attribute::FromPyWith)
624 } else if lookahead.peek(Token![default]) {
625 input.parse().map(FieldPyO3Attribute::Default)
626 } else {
627 Err(lookahead.error())
628 }
629 }
632impl FieldPyO3Attributes {
633 fn from_attrs(attrs: &[Attribute]) -> Result<Self> {
635 let mut getter = None;
636 let mut from_py_with = None;
637 let mut default = None;
639 for attr in attrs {
640 if let Some(pyo3_attrs) = get_pyo3_options(attr)? {
641 for pyo3_attr in pyo3_attrs {
642 match pyo3_attr {
643 FieldPyO3Attribute::Getter(field_getter) => {
644 ensure_spanned!(
645 getter.is_none(),
646 attr.span() => "only one of `attribute` or `item` can be provided"
647 );
648 getter = Some(field_getter);
649 }
650 FieldPyO3Attribute::FromPyWith(from_py_with_attr) => {
651 ensure_spanned!(
652 from_py_with.is_none(),
653 attr.span() => "`from_py_with` may only be provided once"
654 );
655 from_py_with = Some(from_py_with_attr);
656 }
657 FieldPyO3Attribute::Default(default_attr) => {
658 ensure_spanned!(
659 default.is_none(),
660 attr.span() => "`default` may only be provided once"
661 );
662 default = Some(default_attr);
663 }
664 }
665 }
666 }
667 }
669 Ok(FieldPyO3Attributes {
670 getter,
671 from_py_with,
672 default,
673 })
674 }
677fn verify_and_get_lifetime(generics: &syn::Generics) -> Result<Option<&syn::LifetimeParam>> {
678 let mut lifetimes = generics.lifetimes();
679 let lifetime = lifetimes.next();
680 ensure_spanned!(
681 lifetimes.next().is_none(),
682 generics.span() => "FromPyObject can be derived with at most one lifetime parameter"
683 );
684 Ok(lifetime)
687pub fn build_derive_from_pyobject(tokens: &DeriveInput) -> Result<TokenStream> {
696 let options = ContainerOptions::from_attrs(&tokens.attrs)?;
697 let ctx = &Ctx::new(&options.krate, None);
698 let Ctx { pyo3_path, .. } = &ctx;
700 let (_, ty_generics, _) = tokens.generics.split_for_impl();
701 let mut trait_generics = tokens.generics.clone();
702 let lt_param = if let Some(lt) = verify_and_get_lifetime(&trait_generics)? {
703 lt.clone()
704 } else {
705 trait_generics.params.push(parse_quote!('py));
706 parse_quote!('py)
707 };
708 let (impl_generics, _, where_clause) = trait_generics.split_for_impl();
710 let mut where_clause = where_clause.cloned().unwrap_or_else(|| parse_quote!(where));
711 for param in trait_generics.type_params() {
712 let gen_ident = ¶m.ident;
713 where_clause
714 .predicates
715 .push(parse_quote!(#gen_ident: #pyo3_path::FromPyObject<'py>))
716 }
718 let derives = match &tokens.data {
719 syn::Data::Enum(en) => {
720 if options.transparent || options.annotation.is_some() {
721 bail_spanned!(tokens.span() => "`transparent` or `annotation` is not supported \
722 at top level for enums");
723 }
724 let en = Enum::new(en, &tokens.ident, options)?;
725 en.build(ctx)
726 }
727 syn::Data::Struct(st) => {
728 if let Some(lit_str) = &options.annotation {
729 bail_spanned!(lit_str.span() => "`annotation` is unsupported for structs");
730 }
731 let ident = &tokens.ident;
732 let st = Container::new(&st.fields, parse_quote!(#ident), options)?;
733 st.build(ctx)
734 }
735 syn::Data::Union(_) => bail_spanned!(
736 tokens.span() => "#[derive(FromPyObject)] is not supported for unions"
737 ),
738 };
740 let ident = &tokens.ident;
741 Ok(quote!(
742 #[automatically_derived]
743 impl #impl_generics #pyo3_path::FromPyObject<#lt_param> for #ident #ty_generics #where_clause {
744 fn extract_bound(obj: &#pyo3_path::Bound<#lt_param, #pyo3_path::PyAny>) -> #pyo3_path::PyResult<Self> {
745 #derives
746 }
747 }
748 ))