
1//! Fundamental properties of objects tied to the Python interpreter.
3//! The Python interpreter is not thread-safe. To protect the Python interpreter in multithreaded
4//! scenarios there is a global lock, the *global interpreter lock* (hereafter referred to as *GIL*)
5//! that must be held to safely interact with Python objects. This is why in PyO3 when you acquire
6//! the GIL you get a [`Python`] marker token that carries the *lifetime* of holding the GIL and all
7//! borrowed references to Python objects carry this lifetime as well. This will statically ensure
8//! that you can never use Python objects after dropping the lock - if you mess this up it will be
9//! caught at compile time and your program will fail to compile.
11//! It also supports this pattern that many extension modules employ:
12//! - Drop the GIL, so that other Python threads can acquire it and make progress themselves
13//! - Do something independently of the Python interpreter, like IO, a long running calculation or
14//!   awaiting a future
15//! - Once that is done, reacquire the GIL
17//! That API is provided by [`Python::allow_threads`] and enforced via the [`Ungil`] bound on the
18//! closure and the return type. This is done by relying on the [`Send`] auto trait. `Ungil` is
19//! defined as the following:
21//! ```rust
22//! # #![allow(dead_code)]
23//! pub unsafe trait Ungil {}
25//! unsafe impl<T: Send> Ungil for T {}
26//! ```
28//! We piggy-back off the `Send` auto trait because it is not possible to implement custom auto
29//! traits on stable Rust. This is the solution which enables it for as many types as possible while
30//! making the API usable.
32//! In practice this API works quite well, but it comes with some drawbacks:
34//! ## Drawbacks
36//! There is no reason to prevent `!Send` types like [`Rc`] from crossing the closure. After all,
37//! [`Python::allow_threads`] just lets other Python threads run - it does not itself launch a new
38//! thread.
40//! ```rust, compile_fail
41//! # #[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
42//! # compile_error!("this actually works on nightly")
43//! use pyo3::prelude::*;
44//! use std::rc::Rc;
46//! fn main() {
47//!     Python::with_gil(|py| {
48//!         let rc = Rc::new(5);
50//!         py.allow_threads(|| {
51//!             // This would actually be fine...
52//!             println!("{:?}", *rc);
53//!         });
54//!     });
55//! }
56//! ```
58//! Because we are using `Send` for something it's not quite meant for, other code that
59//! (correctly) upholds the invariants of [`Send`] can cause problems.
61//! [`SendWrapper`] is one of those. Per its documentation:
63//! > A wrapper which allows you to move around non-Send-types between threads, as long as you
64//! > access the contained value only from within the original thread and make sure that it is
65//! > dropped from within the original thread.
67//! This will "work" to smuggle Python references across the closure, because we're not actually
68//! doing anything with threads:
70//! ```rust, no_run
71//! use pyo3::prelude::*;
72//! use pyo3::types::PyString;
73//! use send_wrapper::SendWrapper;
75//! Python::with_gil(|py| {
76//!     let string = PyString::new(py, "foo");
78//!     let wrapped = SendWrapper::new(string);
80//!     py.allow_threads(|| {
81//! # #[cfg(not(feature = "nightly"))]
82//! # {
83//!         // 💥 Unsound! 💥
84//!         let smuggled: &Bound<'_, PyString> = &*wrapped;
85//!         println!("{:?}", smuggled);
86//! # }
87//!     });
88//! });
89//! ```
91//! For now the answer to that is "don't do that".
93//! # A proper implementation using an auto trait
95//! However on nightly Rust and when PyO3's `nightly` feature is
96//! enabled, `Ungil` is defined as the following:
98//! ```rust
99//! # #[cfg(any())]
100//! # {
101//! #![feature(auto_traits, negative_impls)]
103//! pub unsafe auto trait Ungil {}
105//! // It is unimplemented for the `Python` struct and Python objects.
106//! impl !Ungil for Python<'_> {}
107//! impl !Ungil for ffi::PyObject {}
109//! // `Py` wraps it in  a safe api, so this is OK
110//! unsafe impl<T> Ungil for Py<T> {}
111//! # }
112//! ```
114//! With this feature enabled, the above two examples will start working and not working, respectively.
116//! [`SendWrapper`]:
117//! [`Rc`]: std::rc::Rc
118//! [`Py`]: crate::Py
119use crate::conversion::IntoPyObject;
120use crate::err::PyErr;
121use crate::err::{self, PyResult};
122use crate::ffi_ptr_ext::FfiPtrExt;
123use crate::gil::{GILGuard, SuspendGIL};
124use crate::impl_::not_send::NotSend;
125use crate::py_result_ext::PyResultExt;
126use crate::types::any::PyAnyMethods;
127use crate::types::{
128    PyAny, PyDict, PyEllipsis, PyModule, PyNone, PyNotImplemented, PyString, PyType,
130use crate::version::PythonVersionInfo;
132use crate::IntoPy;
133use crate::{ffi, Bound, Py, PyObject, PyTypeInfo};
134use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
135use std::marker::PhantomData;
136use std::os::raw::c_int;
138/// Types that are safe to access while the GIL is not held.
140/// # Safety
142/// The type must not carry borrowed Python references or, if it does, not allow access to them if
143/// the GIL is not held.
145/// See the [module-level documentation](self) for more information.
147/// # Examples
149/// This tracking is currently imprecise as it relies on the [`Send`] auto trait on stable Rust.
150/// For example, an `Rc` smart pointer should be usable without the GIL, but we currently prevent that:
152/// ```compile_fail
153/// # use pyo3::prelude::*;
154/// use std::rc::Rc;
156/// Python::with_gil(|py| {
157///     let rc = Rc::new(42);
159///     py.allow_threads(|| {
160///         println!("{:?}", rc);
161///     });
162/// });
163/// ```
165/// This also implies that the interplay between `with_gil` and `allow_threads` is unsound, for example
166/// one can circumvent this protection using the [`send_wrapper`]( crate:
168/// ```no_run
169/// # use pyo3::prelude::*;
170/// # use pyo3::types::PyString;
171/// use send_wrapper::SendWrapper;
173/// Python::with_gil(|py| {
174///     let string = PyString::new(py, "foo");
176///     let wrapped = SendWrapper::new(string);
178///     py.allow_threads(|| {
179///         let sneaky: &Bound<'_, PyString> = &*wrapped;
181///         println!("{:?}", sneaky);
182///     });
183/// });
184/// ```
186/// Fixing this loophole on stable Rust has significant ergonomic issues, but it is fixed when using
187/// nightly Rust and the `nightly` feature, c.f. [#2141](
188#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(all())))] // Hide the cfg flag
189#[cfg(not(feature = "nightly"))]
190pub unsafe trait Ungil {}
192#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(all())))] // Hide the cfg flag
193#[cfg(not(feature = "nightly"))]
194unsafe impl<T: Send> Ungil for T {}
196#[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
197mod nightly {
198    macro_rules! define {
199        ($($tt:tt)*) => { $($tt)* }
200    }
202    define! {
203        /// Types that are safe to access while the GIL is not held.
204        ///
205        /// # Safety
206        ///
207        /// The type must not carry borrowed Python references or, if it does, not allow access to them if
208        /// the GIL is not held.
209        ///
210        /// See the [module-level documentation](self) for more information.
211        ///
212        /// # Examples
213        ///
214        /// Types which are `Ungil` cannot be used in contexts where the GIL was released, e.g.
215        ///
216        /// ```compile_fail
217        /// # use pyo3::prelude::*;
218        /// # use pyo3::types::PyString;
219        /// Python::with_gil(|py| {
220        ///     let string = PyString::new_bound(py, "foo");
221        ///
222        ///     py.allow_threads(|| {
223        ///         println!("{:?}", string);
224        ///     });
225        /// });
226        /// ```
227        ///
228        /// This applies to the GIL token `Python` itself as well, e.g.
229        ///
230        /// ```compile_fail
231        /// # use pyo3::prelude::*;
232        /// Python::with_gil(|py| {
233        ///     py.allow_threads(|| {
234        ///         drop(py);
235        ///     });
236        /// });
237        /// ```
238        ///
239        /// On nightly Rust, this is not based on the [`Send`] auto trait and hence we are able
240        /// to prevent incorrectly circumventing it using e.g. the [`send_wrapper`]( crate:
241        ///
242        /// ```compile_fail
243        /// # use pyo3::prelude::*;
244        /// # use pyo3::types::PyString;
245        /// use send_wrapper::SendWrapper;
246        ///
247        /// Python::with_gil(|py| {
248        ///     let string = PyString::new_bound(py, "foo");
249        ///
250        ///     let wrapped = SendWrapper::new(string);
251        ///
252        ///     py.allow_threads(|| {
253        ///         let sneaky: &PyString = *wrapped;
254        ///
255        ///         println!("{:?}", sneaky);
256        ///     });
257        /// });
258        /// ```
259        ///
260        /// This also enables using non-[`Send`] types in `allow_threads`,
261        /// at least if they are not also bound to the GIL:
262        ///
263        /// ```rust
264        /// # use pyo3::prelude::*;
265        /// use std::rc::Rc;
266        ///
267        /// Python::with_gil(|py| {
268        ///     let rc = Rc::new(42);
269        ///
270        ///     py.allow_threads(|| {
271        ///         println!("{:?}", rc);
272        ///     });
273        /// });
274        /// ```
275        pub unsafe auto trait Ungil {}
276    }
278    impl !Ungil for crate::Python<'_> {}
280    // This means that PyString, PyList, etc all inherit !Ungil from  this.
281    impl !Ungil for crate::PyAny {}
283    impl<T> !Ungil for crate::PyRef<'_, T> {}
284    impl<T> !Ungil for crate::PyRefMut<'_, T> {}
286    // FFI pointees
287    impl !Ungil for crate::ffi::PyObject {}
288    impl !Ungil for crate::ffi::PyLongObject {}
290    impl !Ungil for crate::ffi::PyThreadState {}
291    impl !Ungil for crate::ffi::PyInterpreterState {}
292    impl !Ungil for crate::ffi::PyWeakReference {}
293    impl !Ungil for crate::ffi::PyFrameObject {}
294    impl !Ungil for crate::ffi::PyCodeObject {}
295    #[cfg(not(Py_LIMITED_API))]
296    impl !Ungil for crate::ffi::PyDictKeysObject {}
297    #[cfg(not(any(Py_LIMITED_API, Py_3_10)))]
298    impl !Ungil for crate::ffi::PyArena {}
301#[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
302pub use nightly::Ungil;
304/// A marker token that represents holding the GIL.
306/// It serves three main purposes:
307/// - It provides a global API for the Python interpreter, such as [`Python::eval_bound`].
308/// - It can be passed to functions that require a proof of holding the GIL, such as
309///   [`Py::clone_ref`].
310/// - Its lifetime represents the scope of holding the GIL which can be used to create Rust
311///   references that are bound to it, such as [`Bound<'py, PyAny>`].
313/// Note that there are some caveats to using it that you might need to be aware of. See the
314/// [Deadlocks](#deadlocks) and [Releasing and freeing memory](#releasing-and-freeing-memory)
315/// paragraphs for more information about that.
317/// # Obtaining a Python token
319/// The following are the recommended ways to obtain a [`Python<'py>`] token, in order of preference:
320/// - If you already have something with a lifetime bound to the GIL, such as [`Bound<'py, PyAny>`], you can
321///   use its `.py()` method to get a token.
322/// - In a function or method annotated with [`#[pyfunction]`](crate::pyfunction) or [`#[pymethods]`](crate::pymethods) you can declare it
323///   as a parameter, and PyO3 will pass in the token when Python code calls it.
324/// - When you need to acquire the GIL yourself, such as when calling Python code from Rust, you
325///   should call [`Python::with_gil`] to do that and pass your code as a closure to it.
327/// The first two options are zero-cost; [`Python::with_gil`] requires runtime checking and may need to block
328/// to acquire the GIL.
330/// # Deadlocks
332/// Note that the GIL can be temporarily released by the Python interpreter during a function call
333/// (e.g. importing a module). In general, you don't need to worry about this because the GIL is
334/// reacquired before returning to the Rust code:
336/// ```text
337/// `Python` exists   |=====================================|
338/// GIL actually held |==========|         |================|
339/// Rust code running |=======|                |==|  |======|
340/// ```
342/// This behaviour can cause deadlocks when trying to lock a Rust mutex while holding the GIL:
344///  * Thread 1 acquires the GIL
345///  * Thread 1 locks a mutex
346///  * Thread 1 makes a call into the Python interpreter which releases the GIL
347///  * Thread 2 acquires the GIL
348///  * Thread 2 tries to locks the mutex, blocks
349///  * Thread 1's Python interpreter call blocks trying to reacquire the GIL held by thread 2
351/// To avoid deadlocking, you should release the GIL before trying to lock a mutex or `await`ing in
352/// asynchronous code, e.g. with [`Python::allow_threads`].
354/// # Releasing and freeing memory
356/// The [`Python<'py>`] type can be used to create references to variables owned by the Python
357/// interpreter, using functions such as [`Python::eval_bound`] and [`PyModule::import`].
358#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
359pub struct Python<'py>(PhantomData<(&'py GILGuard, NotSend)>);
361impl Python<'_> {
362    /// Acquires the global interpreter lock, allowing access to the Python interpreter. The
363    /// provided closure `F` will be executed with the acquired `Python` marker token.
364    ///
365    /// If implementing [`#[pymethods]`](crate::pymethods) or [`#[pyfunction]`](crate::pyfunction),
366    /// declare `py: Python` as an argument. PyO3 will pass in the token to grant access to the GIL
367    /// context in which the function is running, avoiding the need to call `with_gil`.
368    ///
369    /// If the [`auto-initialize`] feature is enabled and the Python runtime is not already
370    /// initialized, this function will initialize it. See
371    #[cfg_attr(
372        not(any(PyPy, GraalPy)),
373        doc = "[`prepare_freethreaded_python`](crate::prepare_freethreaded_python)"
374    )]
375    #[cfg_attr(PyPy, doc = "`prepare_freethreaded_python`")]
376    /// for details.
377    ///
378    /// If the current thread does not yet have a Python "thread state" associated with it,
379    /// a new one will be automatically created before `F` is executed and destroyed after `F`
380    /// completes.
381    ///
382    /// # Panics
383    ///
384    /// - If the [`auto-initialize`] feature is not enabled and the Python interpreter is not
385    ///   initialized.
386    ///
387    /// # Examples
388    ///
389    /// ```
390    /// use pyo3::prelude::*;
391    /// use pyo3::ffi::c_str;
392    ///
393    /// # fn main() -> PyResult<()> {
394    /// Python::with_gil(|py| -> PyResult<()> {
395    ///     let x: i32 = py.eval(c_str!("5"), None, None)?.extract()?;
396    ///     assert_eq!(x, 5);
397    ///     Ok(())
398    /// })
399    /// # }
400    /// ```
401    ///
402    /// [`auto-initialize`]:
403    #[inline]
404    pub fn with_gil<F, R>(f: F) -> R
405    where
406        F: for<'py> FnOnce(Python<'py>) -> R,
407    {
408        let guard = GILGuard::acquire();
410        // SAFETY: Either the GIL was already acquired or we just created a new `GILGuard`.
411        f(guard.python())
412    }
414    /// Like [`Python::with_gil`] except Python interpreter state checking is skipped.
415    ///
416    /// Normally when the GIL is acquired, we check that the Python interpreter is an
417    /// appropriate state (e.g. it is fully initialized). This function skips those
418    /// checks.
419    ///
420    /// # Safety
421    ///
422    /// If [`Python::with_gil`] would succeed, it is safe to call this function.
423    ///
424    /// In most cases, you should use [`Python::with_gil`].
425    ///
426    /// A justified scenario for calling this function is during multi-phase interpreter
427    /// initialization when [`Python::with_gil`] would fail before
428    // this link is only valid on 3.8+not pypy and up.
429    #[cfg_attr(
430        all(Py_3_8, not(PyPy)),
431        doc = "[`_Py_InitializeMain`](crate::ffi::_Py_InitializeMain)"
432    )]
433    #[cfg_attr(any(not(Py_3_8), PyPy), doc = "`_Py_InitializeMain`")]
434    /// is called because the interpreter is only partially initialized.
435    ///
436    /// Behavior in other scenarios is not documented.
437    #[inline]
438    pub unsafe fn with_gil_unchecked<F, R>(f: F) -> R
439    where
440        F: for<'py> FnOnce(Python<'py>) -> R,
441    {
442        let guard = GILGuard::acquire_unchecked();
444        f(guard.python())
445    }
448impl<'py> Python<'py> {
449    /// Temporarily releases the GIL, thus allowing other Python threads to run. The GIL will be
450    /// reacquired when `F`'s scope ends.
451    ///
452    /// If you don't need to touch the Python
453    /// interpreter for some time and have other Python threads around, this will let you run
454    /// Rust-only code while letting those other Python threads make progress.
455    ///
456    /// Only types that implement [`Ungil`] can cross the closure. See the
457    /// [module level documentation](self) for more information.
458    ///
459    /// If you need to pass Python objects into the closure you can use [`Py`]`<T>`to create a
460    /// reference independent of the GIL lifetime. However, you cannot do much with those without a
461    /// [`Python`] token, for which you'd need to reacquire the GIL.
462    ///
463    /// # Example: Releasing the GIL while running a computation in Rust-only code
464    ///
465    /// ```
466    /// use pyo3::prelude::*;
467    ///
468    /// #[pyfunction]
469    /// fn sum_numbers(py: Python<'_>, numbers: Vec<u32>) -> PyResult<u32> {
470    ///     // We release the GIL here so any other Python threads get a chance to run.
471    ///     py.allow_threads(move || {
472    ///         // An example of an "expensive" Rust calculation
473    ///         let sum = numbers.iter().sum();
474    ///
475    ///         Ok(sum)
476    ///     })
477    /// }
478    /// #
479    /// # fn main() -> PyResult<()> {
480    /// #     Python::with_gil(|py| -> PyResult<()> {
481    /// #         let fun = pyo3::wrap_pyfunction!(sum_numbers, py)?;
482    /// #         let res = fun.call1((vec![1_u32, 2, 3],))?;
483    /// #         assert_eq!(res.extract::<u32>()?, 6_u32);
484    /// #         Ok(())
485    /// #     })
486    /// # }
487    /// ```
488    ///
489    /// Please see the [Parallelism] chapter of the guide for a thorough discussion of using
490    /// [`Python::allow_threads`] in this manner.
491    ///
492    /// # Example: Passing borrowed Python references into the closure is not allowed
493    ///
494    /// ```compile_fail
495    /// use pyo3::prelude::*;
496    /// use pyo3::types::PyString;
497    ///
498    /// fn parallel_print(py: Python<'_>) {
499    ///     let s = PyString::new_bound(py, "This object cannot be accessed without holding the GIL >_<");
500    ///     py.allow_threads(move || {
501    ///         println!("{:?}", s); // This causes a compile error.
502    ///     });
503    /// }
504    /// ```
505    ///
506    /// [`Py`]: crate::Py
507    /// [`PyString`]: crate::types::PyString
508    /// [auto-traits]:
509    /// [Parallelism]:
510    pub fn allow_threads<T, F>(self, f: F) -> T
511    where
512        F: Ungil + FnOnce() -> T,
513        T: Ungil,
514    {
515        // Use a guard pattern to handle reacquiring the GIL,
516        // so that the GIL will be reacquired even if `f` panics.
517        // The `Send` bound on the closure prevents the user from
518        // transferring the `Python` token into the closure.
519        let _guard = unsafe { SuspendGIL::new() };
520        f()
521    }
523    /// Evaluates a Python expression in the given context and returns the result.
524    ///
525    /// If `globals` is `None`, it defaults to Python module `__main__`.
526    /// If `locals` is `None`, it defaults to the value of `globals`.
527    ///
528    /// If `globals` doesn't contain `__builtins__`, default `__builtins__`
529    /// will be added automatically.
530    ///
531    /// # Examples
532    ///
533    /// ```
534    /// # use pyo3::prelude::*;
535    /// # use pyo3::ffi::c_str;
536    /// # Python::with_gil(|py| {
537    /// let result = py.eval(c_str!("[i * 10 for i in range(5)]"), None, None).unwrap();
538    /// let res: Vec<i64> = result.extract().unwrap();
539    /// assert_eq!(res, vec![0, 10, 20, 30, 40])
540    /// # });
541    /// ```
542    pub fn eval(
543        self,
544        code: &CStr,
545        globals: Option<&Bound<'py, PyDict>>,
546        locals: Option<&Bound<'py, PyDict>>,
547    ) -> PyResult<Bound<'py, PyAny>> {
548        self.run_code(code, ffi::Py_eval_input, globals, locals)
549    }
551    /// Deprecated name for [`Python::eval`].
552    #[deprecated(since = "0.23.0", note = "renamed to `Python::eval`")]
553    #[track_caller]
554    #[inline]
555    pub fn eval_bound(
556        self,
557        code: &str,
558        globals: Option<&Bound<'py, PyDict>>,
559        locals: Option<&Bound<'py, PyDict>>,
560    ) -> PyResult<Bound<'py, PyAny>> {
561        let code = CString::new(code)?;
562        self.eval(&code, globals, locals)
563    }
565    /// Executes one or more Python statements in the given context.
566    ///
567    /// If `globals` is `None`, it defaults to Python module `__main__`.
568    /// If `locals` is `None`, it defaults to the value of `globals`.
569    ///
570    /// If `globals` doesn't contain `__builtins__`, default `__builtins__`
571    /// will be added automatically.
572    ///
573    /// # Examples
574    /// ```
575    /// use pyo3::{
576    ///     prelude::*,
577    ///     types::{PyBytes, PyDict},
578    ///     ffi::c_str,
579    /// };
580    /// Python::with_gil(|py| {
581    ///     let locals = PyDict::new(py);
582    ///!(
583    ///         r#"
584    /// import base64
585    /// s = 'Hello Rust!'
586    /// ret = base64.b64encode(s.encode('utf-8'))
587    /// "#),
588    ///         None,
589    ///         Some(&locals),
590    ///     )
591    ///     .unwrap();
592    ///     let ret = locals.get_item("ret").unwrap().unwrap();
593    ///     let b64 = ret.downcast::<PyBytes>().unwrap();
594    ///     assert_eq!(b64.as_bytes(), b"SGVsbG8gUnVzdCE=");
595    /// });
596    /// ```
597    ///
598    /// You can use [`py_run!`](macro.py_run.html) for a handy alternative of `run`
599    /// if you don't need `globals` and unwrapping is OK.
600    pub fn run(
601        self,
602        code: &CStr,
603        globals: Option<&Bound<'py, PyDict>>,
604        locals: Option<&Bound<'py, PyDict>>,
605    ) -> PyResult<()> {
606        let res = self.run_code(code, ffi::Py_file_input, globals, locals);
607|obj| {
608            debug_assert!(obj.is_none());
609        })
610    }
612    /// Deprecated name for [`Python::run`].
613    #[deprecated(since = "0.23.0", note = "renamed to `Python::run`")]
614    #[track_caller]
615    #[inline]
616    pub fn run_bound(
617        self,
618        code: &str,
619        globals: Option<&Bound<'py, PyDict>>,
620        locals: Option<&Bound<'py, PyDict>>,
621    ) -> PyResult<()> {
622        let code = CString::new(code)?;
623, globals, locals)
624    }
626    /// Runs code in the given context.
627    ///
628    /// `start` indicates the type of input expected: one of `Py_single_input`,
629    /// `Py_file_input`, or `Py_eval_input`.
630    ///
631    /// If `globals` is `None`, it defaults to Python module `__main__`.
632    /// If `locals` is `None`, it defaults to the value of `globals`.
633    fn run_code(
634        self,
635        code: &CStr,
636        start: c_int,
637        globals: Option<&Bound<'py, PyDict>>,
638        locals: Option<&Bound<'py, PyDict>>,
639    ) -> PyResult<Bound<'py, PyAny>> {
640        let mptr = unsafe {
641            ffi::compat::PyImport_AddModuleRef(ffi::c_str!("__main__").as_ptr())
642                .assume_owned_or_err(self)?
643        };
644        let attr = mptr.getattr(crate::intern!(self, "__dict__"))?;
645        let globals = match globals {
646            Some(globals) => globals,
647            None => attr.downcast::<PyDict>()?,
648        };
649        let locals = locals.unwrap_or(globals);
651        // If `globals` don't provide `__builtins__`, most of the code will fail if Python
652        // version is <3.10. That's probably not what user intended, so insert `__builtins__`
653        // for them.
654        //
655        // See also:
656        // - (the same fix in CPython 3.10)
657        // -
658        let builtins_s = crate::intern!(self, "__builtins__");
659        let has_builtins = globals.contains(builtins_s)?;
660        if !has_builtins {
661            crate::sync::with_critical_section(globals, || {
662                // check if another thread set __builtins__ while this thread was blocked on the critical section
663                let has_builtins = globals.contains(builtins_s)?;
664                if !has_builtins {
665                    // Inherit current builtins.
666                    let builtins = unsafe { ffi::PyEval_GetBuiltins() };
668                    // `PyDict_SetItem` doesn't take ownership of `builtins`, but `PyEval_GetBuiltins`
669                    // seems to return a borrowed reference, so no leak here.
670                    if unsafe {
671                        ffi::PyDict_SetItem(globals.as_ptr(), builtins_s.as_ptr(), builtins)
672                    } == -1
673                    {
674                        return Err(PyErr::fetch(self));
675                    }
676                }
677                Ok(())
678            })?;
679        }
681        let code_obj = unsafe {
682            ffi::Py_CompileString(code.as_ptr(), ffi::c_str!("<string>").as_ptr(), start)
683                .assume_owned_or_err(self)?
684        };
686        unsafe {
687            ffi::PyEval_EvalCode(code_obj.as_ptr(), globals.as_ptr(), locals.as_ptr())
688                .assume_owned_or_err(self)
689                .downcast_into_unchecked()
690        }
691    }
693    /// Gets the Python type object for type `T`.
694    #[inline]
695    pub fn get_type<T>(self) -> Bound<'py, PyType>
696    where
697        T: PyTypeInfo,
698    {
699        T::type_object(self)
700    }
702    /// Deprecated name for [`Python::get_type`].
703    #[deprecated(since = "0.23.0", note = "renamed to `Python::get_type`")]
704    #[track_caller]
705    #[inline]
706    pub fn get_type_bound<T>(self) -> Bound<'py, PyType>
707    where
708        T: PyTypeInfo,
709    {
710        self.get_type::<T>()
711    }
713    /// Imports the Python module with the specified name.
714    pub fn import<N>(self, name: N) -> PyResult<Bound<'py, PyModule>>
715    where
716        N: IntoPyObject<'py, Target = PyString>,
717    {
718        PyModule::import(self, name)
719    }
721    /// Deprecated name for [`Python::import`].
722    #[deprecated(since = "0.23.0", note = "renamed to `Python::import`")]
723    #[allow(deprecated)]
724    #[track_caller]
725    #[inline]
726    pub fn import_bound<N>(self, name: N) -> PyResult<Bound<'py, PyModule>>
727    where
728        N: IntoPy<Py<PyString>>,
729    {
730        self.import(name.into_py(self))
731    }
733    /// Gets the Python builtin value `None`.
734    #[allow(non_snake_case)] // the Python keyword starts with uppercase
735    #[inline]
736    pub fn None(self) -> PyObject {
737        PyNone::get(self).to_owned().into_any().unbind()
738    }
740    /// Gets the Python builtin value `Ellipsis`, or `...`.
741    #[allow(non_snake_case)] // the Python keyword starts with uppercase
742    #[inline]
743    pub fn Ellipsis(self) -> PyObject {
744        PyEllipsis::get(self).to_owned().into_any().unbind()
745    }
747    /// Gets the Python builtin value `NotImplemented`.
748    #[allow(non_snake_case)] // the Python keyword starts with uppercase
749    #[inline]
750    pub fn NotImplemented(self) -> PyObject {
751        PyNotImplemented::get(self).to_owned().into_any().unbind()
752    }
754    /// Gets the running Python interpreter version as a string.
755    ///
756    /// # Examples
757    /// ```rust
758    /// # use pyo3::Python;
759    /// Python::with_gil(|py| {
760    ///     // The full string could be, for example:
761    ///     // "3.10.0 (tags/v3.10.0:b494f59, Oct  4 2021, 19:00:18) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)]"
762    ///     assert!(py.version().starts_with("3."));
763    /// });
764    /// ```
765    pub fn version(self) -> &'py str {
766        unsafe {
767            CStr::from_ptr(ffi::Py_GetVersion())
768                .to_str()
769                .expect("Python version string not UTF-8")
770        }
771    }
773    /// Gets the running Python interpreter version as a struct similar to
774    /// `sys.version_info`.
775    ///
776    /// # Examples
777    /// ```rust
778    /// # use pyo3::Python;
779    /// Python::with_gil(|py| {
780    ///     // PyO3 supports Python 3.7 and up.
781    ///     assert!(py.version_info() >= (3, 7));
782    ///     assert!(py.version_info() >= (3, 7, 0));
783    /// });
784    /// ```
785    pub fn version_info(self) -> PythonVersionInfo<'py> {
786        let version_str = self.version();
788        // Portion of the version string returned by Py_GetVersion up to the first space is the
789        // version number.
790        let version_number_str = version_str.split(' ').next().unwrap_or(version_str);
792        PythonVersionInfo::from_str(version_number_str).unwrap()
793    }
795    /// Lets the Python interpreter check and handle any pending signals. This will invoke the
796    /// corresponding signal handlers registered in Python (if any).
797    ///
798    /// Returns `Err(`[`PyErr`]`)` if any signal handler raises an exception.
799    ///
800    /// These signals include `SIGINT` (normally raised by CTRL + C), which by default raises
801    /// `KeyboardInterrupt`. For this reason it is good practice to call this function regularly
802    /// as part of long-running Rust functions so that users can cancel it.
803    ///
804    /// # Example
805    ///
806    /// ```rust
807    /// # #![allow(dead_code)] // this example is quite impractical to test
808    /// use pyo3::prelude::*;
809    ///
810    /// # fn main() {
811    /// #[pyfunction]
812    /// fn loop_forever(py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult<()> {
813    ///     loop {
814    ///         // As this loop is infinite it should check for signals every once in a while.
815    ///         // Using `?` causes any `PyErr` (potentially containing `KeyboardInterrupt`)
816    ///         // to break out of the loop.
817    ///         py.check_signals()?;
818    ///
819    ///         // do work here
820    ///         # break Ok(()) // don't actually loop forever
821    ///     }
822    /// }
823    /// # }
824    /// ```
825    ///
826    /// # Note
827    ///
828    /// This function calls [`PyErr_CheckSignals()`][1] which in turn may call signal handlers.
829    /// As Python's [`signal`][2] API allows users to define custom signal handlers, calling this
830    /// function allows arbitrary Python code inside signal handlers to run.
831    ///
832    /// If the function is called from a non-main thread, or under a non-main Python interpreter,
833    /// it does nothing yet still returns `Ok(())`.
834    ///
835    /// [1]:
836    /// [2]:
837    pub fn check_signals(self) -> PyResult<()> {
838        err::error_on_minusone(self, unsafe { ffi::PyErr_CheckSignals() })
839    }
842impl<'unbound> Python<'unbound> {
843    /// Unsafely creates a Python token with an unbounded lifetime.
844    ///
845    /// Many of PyO3 APIs use `Python<'_>` as proof that the GIL is held, but this function can be
846    /// used to call them unsafely.
847    ///
848    /// # Safety
849    ///
850    /// - This token and any borrowed Python references derived from it can only be safely used
851    ///   whilst the currently executing thread is actually holding the GIL.
852    /// - This function creates a token with an *unbounded* lifetime. Safe code can assume that
853    ///   holding a `Python<'py>` token means the GIL is and stays acquired for the lifetime `'py`.
854    ///   If you let it or borrowed Python references escape to safe code you are
855    ///   responsible for bounding the lifetime `'unbound` appropriately. For more on unbounded
856    ///   lifetimes, see the [nomicon].
857    ///
858    /// [nomicon]:
859    #[inline]
860    pub unsafe fn assume_gil_acquired() -> Python<'unbound> {
861        Python(PhantomData)
862    }
866mod tests {
867    use super::*;
868    use crate::types::{IntoPyDict, PyList};
870    #[test]
871    fn test_eval() {
872        Python::with_gil(|py| {
873            // Make sure builtin names are accessible
874            let v: i32 = py
875                .eval(ffi::c_str!("min(1, 2)"), None, None)
876                .map_err(|e| e.display(py))
877                .unwrap()
878                .extract()
879                .unwrap();
880            assert_eq!(v, 1);
882            let d = [("foo", 13)].into_py_dict(py).unwrap();
884            // Inject our own global namespace
885            let v: i32 = py
886                .eval(ffi::c_str!("foo + 29"), Some(&d), None)
887                .unwrap()
888                .extract()
889                .unwrap();
890            assert_eq!(v, 42);
892            // Inject our own local namespace
893            let v: i32 = py
894                .eval(ffi::c_str!("foo + 29"), None, Some(&d))
895                .unwrap()
896                .extract()
897                .unwrap();
898            assert_eq!(v, 42);
900            // Make sure builtin names are still accessible when using a local namespace
901            let v: i32 = py
902                .eval(ffi::c_str!("min(foo, 2)"), None, Some(&d))
903                .unwrap()
904                .extract()
905                .unwrap();
906            assert_eq!(v, 2);
907        });
908    }
910    #[test]
911    #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))] // We are building wasm Python with pthreads disabled
912    fn test_allow_threads_releases_and_acquires_gil() {
913        Python::with_gil(|py| {
914            let b = std::sync::Arc::new(std::sync::Barrier::new(2));
916            let b2 = b.clone();
917            std::thread::spawn(move || Python::with_gil(|_| b2.wait()));
919            py.allow_threads(|| {
920                // If allow_threads does not release the GIL, this will deadlock because
921                // the thread spawned above will never be able to acquire the GIL.
922                b.wait();
923            });
925            unsafe {
926                // If the GIL is not reacquired at the end of allow_threads, this call
927                // will crash the Python interpreter.
928                let tstate = ffi::PyEval_SaveThread();
929                ffi::PyEval_RestoreThread(tstate);
930            }
931        });
932    }
934    #[test]
935    fn test_allow_threads_panics_safely() {
936        Python::with_gil(|py| {
937            let result = std::panic::catch_unwind(|| unsafe {
938                let py = Python::assume_gil_acquired();
939                py.allow_threads(|| {
940                    panic!("There was a panic!");
941                });
942            });
944            // Check panic was caught
945            assert!(result.is_err());
947            // If allow_threads is implemented correctly, this thread still owns the GIL here
948            // so the following Python calls should not cause crashes.
949            let list = PyList::new(py, [1, 2, 3, 4]).unwrap();
950            assert_eq!(list.extract::<Vec<i32>>().unwrap(), vec![1, 2, 3, 4]);
951        });
952    }
954    #[cfg(not(pyo3_disable_reference_pool))]
955    #[test]
956    fn test_allow_threads_pass_stuff_in() {
957        let list = Python::with_gil(|py| PyList::new(py, vec!["foo", "bar"]).unwrap().unbind());
958        let mut v = vec![1, 2, 3];
959        let a = std::sync::Arc::new(String::from("foo"));
961        Python::with_gil(|py| {
962            py.allow_threads(|| {
963                drop((list, &mut v, a));
964            });
965        });
966    }
968    #[test]
969    #[cfg(not(Py_LIMITED_API))]
970    fn test_acquire_gil() {
971        const GIL_NOT_HELD: c_int = 0;
972        const GIL_HELD: c_int = 1;
974        // Before starting the interpreter the state of calling `PyGILState_Check`
975        // seems to be undefined, so let's ensure that Python is up.
976        #[cfg(not(any(PyPy, GraalPy)))]
977        crate::prepare_freethreaded_python();
979        let state = unsafe { crate::ffi::PyGILState_Check() };
980        assert_eq!(state, GIL_NOT_HELD);
982        Python::with_gil(|_| {
983            let state = unsafe { crate::ffi::PyGILState_Check() };
984            assert_eq!(state, GIL_HELD);
985        });
987        let state = unsafe { crate::ffi::PyGILState_Check() };
988        assert_eq!(state, GIL_NOT_HELD);
989    }
991    #[test]
992    fn test_ellipsis() {
993        Python::with_gil(|py| {
994            assert_eq!(py.Ellipsis().to_string(), "Ellipsis");
996            let v = py
997                .eval(ffi::c_str!("..."), None, None)
998                .map_err(|e| e.display(py))
999                .unwrap();
1001            assert!(v.eq(py.Ellipsis()).unwrap());
1002        });
1003    }
1005    #[test]
1006    fn test_py_run_inserts_globals() {
1007        use crate::types::dict::PyDictMethods;
1009        Python::with_gil(|py| {
1010            let namespace = PyDict::new(py);
1012                ffi::c_str!("class Foo: pass\na = int(3)"),
1013                Some(&namespace),
1014                Some(&namespace),
1015            )
1016            .unwrap();
1017            assert!(matches!(namespace.get_item("Foo"), Ok(Some(..))));
1018            assert!(matches!(namespace.get_item("a"), Ok(Some(..))));
1019            // 3.9 and older did not automatically insert __builtins__ if it wasn't inserted "by hand"
1020            #[cfg(not(Py_3_10))]
1021            assert!(matches!(namespace.get_item("__builtins__"), Ok(Some(..))));
1022        })
1023    }
1025    #[cfg(feature = "macros")]
1026    #[test]
1027    fn test_py_run_inserts_globals_2() {
1028        #[crate::pyclass(crate = "crate")]
1029        #[derive(Clone)]
1030        struct CodeRunner {
1031            code: CString,
1032        }
1034        impl CodeRunner {
1035            fn reproducer(&mut self, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult<()> {
1036                let variables = PyDict::new(py);
1037                variables.set_item("cls", Py::new(py, self.clone())?)?;
1039      , Some(&variables), None)?;
1040                Ok(())
1041            }
1042        }
1044        #[crate::pymethods(crate = "crate")]
1045        impl CodeRunner {
1046            fn func(&mut self, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult<()> {
1047                py.import("math")?;
1048                Ok(())
1049            }
1050        }
1052        let mut runner = CodeRunner {
1053            code: CString::new(
1054                r#"
1057                .to_string(),
1058            )
1059            .unwrap(),
1060        };
1062        Python::with_gil(|py| {
1063            runner.reproducer(py).unwrap();
1064        });
1065    }
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