1#![cfg(any(not(Py_LIMITED_API), Py_3_11))]
2use crate::Bound;
22use crate::{err, exceptions::PyBufferError, ffi, FromPyObject, PyAny, PyResult, Python};
23use std::marker::PhantomData;
24use std::os::raw;
25use std::pin::Pin;
26use std::{cell, mem, ptr, slice};
27use std::{ffi::CStr, fmt::Debug};
32pub struct PyBuffer<T>(Pin<Box<ffi::Py_buffer>>, PhantomData<T>);
34unsafe impl<T> Send for PyBuffer<T> {}
37unsafe impl<T> Sync for PyBuffer<T> {}
39impl<T> Debug for PyBuffer<T> {
40 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
41 f.debug_struct("PyBuffer")
42 .field("buf", &self.0.buf)
43 .field("obj", &self.0.obj)
44 .field("len", &self.0.len)
45 .field("itemsize", &self.0.itemsize)
46 .field("readonly", &self.0.readonly)
47 .field("ndim", &self.0.ndim)
48 .field("format", &self.0.format)
49 .field("shape", &self.0.shape)
50 .field("strides", &self.0.strides)
51 .field("suboffsets", &self.0.suboffsets)
52 .field("internal", &self.0.internal)
53 .finish()
54 }
57#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
59pub enum ElementType {
60 SignedInteger {
62 bytes: usize,
64 },
65 UnsignedInteger {
67 bytes: usize,
69 },
70 Bool,
72 Float {
74 bytes: usize,
76 },
77 Unknown,
81impl ElementType {
82 pub fn from_format(format: &CStr) -> ElementType {
87 match format.to_bytes() {
88 [size] | [b'@', size] => native_element_type_from_type_char(*size),
89 [b'=' | b'<' | b'>' | b'!', size] => standard_element_type_from_type_char(*size),
90 _ => ElementType::Unknown,
91 }
92 }
95fn native_element_type_from_type_char(type_char: u8) -> ElementType {
96 use self::ElementType::*;
97 match type_char {
98 b'c' => UnsignedInteger {
99 bytes: mem::size_of::<raw::c_char>(),
100 },
101 b'b' => SignedInteger {
102 bytes: mem::size_of::<raw::c_schar>(),
103 },
104 b'B' => UnsignedInteger {
105 bytes: mem::size_of::<raw::c_uchar>(),
106 },
107 b'?' => Bool,
108 b'h' => SignedInteger {
109 bytes: mem::size_of::<raw::c_short>(),
110 },
111 b'H' => UnsignedInteger {
112 bytes: mem::size_of::<raw::c_ushort>(),
113 },
114 b'i' => SignedInteger {
115 bytes: mem::size_of::<raw::c_int>(),
116 },
117 b'I' => UnsignedInteger {
118 bytes: mem::size_of::<raw::c_uint>(),
119 },
120 b'l' => SignedInteger {
121 bytes: mem::size_of::<raw::c_long>(),
122 },
123 b'L' => UnsignedInteger {
124 bytes: mem::size_of::<raw::c_ulong>(),
125 },
126 b'q' => SignedInteger {
127 bytes: mem::size_of::<raw::c_longlong>(),
128 },
129 b'Q' => UnsignedInteger {
130 bytes: mem::size_of::<raw::c_ulonglong>(),
131 },
132 b'n' => SignedInteger {
133 bytes: mem::size_of::<libc::ssize_t>(),
134 },
135 b'N' => UnsignedInteger {
136 bytes: mem::size_of::<libc::size_t>(),
137 },
138 b'e' => Float { bytes: 2 },
139 b'f' => Float { bytes: 4 },
140 b'd' => Float { bytes: 8 },
141 _ => Unknown,
142 }
145fn standard_element_type_from_type_char(type_char: u8) -> ElementType {
146 use self::ElementType::*;
147 match type_char {
148 b'c' | b'B' => UnsignedInteger { bytes: 1 },
149 b'b' => SignedInteger { bytes: 1 },
150 b'?' => Bool,
151 b'h' => SignedInteger { bytes: 2 },
152 b'H' => UnsignedInteger { bytes: 2 },
153 b'i' | b'l' => SignedInteger { bytes: 4 },
154 b'I' | b'L' => UnsignedInteger { bytes: 4 },
155 b'q' => SignedInteger { bytes: 8 },
156 b'Q' => UnsignedInteger { bytes: 8 },
157 b'e' => Float { bytes: 2 },
158 b'f' => Float { bytes: 4 },
159 b'd' => Float { bytes: 8 },
160 _ => Unknown,
161 }
164#[cfg(target_endian = "little")]
165fn is_matching_endian(c: u8) -> bool {
166 c == b'@' || c == b'=' || c == b'>'
169#[cfg(target_endian = "big")]
170fn is_matching_endian(c: u8) -> bool {
171 c == b'@' || c == b'=' || c == b'>' || c == b'!'
174pub unsafe trait Element: Copy {
180 fn is_compatible_format(format: &CStr) -> bool;
185impl<T: Element> FromPyObject<'_> for PyBuffer<T> {
186 fn extract_bound(obj: &Bound<'_, PyAny>) -> PyResult<PyBuffer<T>> {
187 Self::get(obj)
188 }
191impl<T: Element> PyBuffer<T> {
192 pub fn get(obj: &Bound<'_, PyAny>) -> PyResult<PyBuffer<T>> {
194 let mut buf = Box::new(mem::MaybeUninit::uninit());
196 let buf: Box<ffi::Py_buffer> = {
197 err::error_on_minusone(obj.py(), unsafe {
198 ffi::PyObject_GetBuffer(obj.as_ptr(), buf.as_mut_ptr(), ffi::PyBUF_FULL_RO)
199 })?;
200 unsafe { mem::transmute(buf) }
203 };
204 let buf = PyBuffer(Pin::from(buf), PhantomData);
208 if buf.0.shape.is_null() {
209 Err(PyBufferError::new_err("shape is null"))
210 } else if buf.0.strides.is_null() {
211 Err(PyBufferError::new_err("strides is null"))
212 } else if mem::size_of::<T>() != buf.item_size() || !T::is_compatible_format(buf.format()) {
213 Err(PyBufferError::new_err(format!(
214 "buffer contents are not compatible with {}",
215 std::any::type_name::<T>()
216 )))
217 } else if buf.0.buf.align_offset(mem::align_of::<T>()) != 0 {
218 Err(PyBufferError::new_err(format!(
219 "buffer contents are insufficiently aligned for {}",
220 std::any::type_name::<T>()
221 )))
222 } else {
223 Ok(buf)
224 }
225 }
227 #[deprecated(since = "0.23.0", note = "renamed to `PyBuffer::get`")]
229 #[inline]
230 pub fn get_bound(obj: &Bound<'_, PyAny>) -> PyResult<PyBuffer<T>> {
231 Self::get(obj)
232 }
234 #[inline]
239 pub fn buf_ptr(&self) -> *mut raw::c_void {
240 self.0.buf
241 }
243 pub fn get_ptr(&self, indices: &[usize]) -> *mut raw::c_void {
247 let shape = &self.shape()[..indices.len()];
248 for i in 0..indices.len() {
249 assert!(indices[i] < shape[i]);
250 }
251 unsafe {
252 ffi::PyBuffer_GetPointer(
253 #[cfg(Py_3_11)]
254 &*self.0,
255 #[cfg(not(Py_3_11))]
256 {
257 &*self.0 as *const ffi::Py_buffer as *mut ffi::Py_buffer
258 },
259 #[cfg(Py_3_11)]
260 {
261 indices.as_ptr().cast()
262 },
263 #[cfg(not(Py_3_11))]
264 {
265 indices.as_ptr() as *mut ffi::Py_ssize_t
266 },
267 )
268 }
269 }
271 #[inline]
273 pub fn readonly(&self) -> bool {
274 self.0.readonly != 0
275 }
277 #[inline]
280 pub fn item_size(&self) -> usize {
281 self.0.itemsize as usize
282 }
284 #[inline]
286 pub fn item_count(&self) -> usize {
287 (self.0.len as usize) / (self.0.itemsize as usize)
288 }
290 #[inline]
294 pub fn len_bytes(&self) -> usize {
295 self.0.len as usize
296 }
298 #[inline]
302 pub fn dimensions(&self) -> usize {
303 self.0.ndim as usize
304 }
306 #[inline]
314 pub fn shape(&self) -> &[usize] {
315 unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(self.0.shape.cast(), self.0.ndim as usize) }
316 }
318 #[inline]
323 pub fn strides(&self) -> &[isize] {
324 unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(self.0.strides, self.0.ndim as usize) }
325 }
327 #[inline]
333 pub fn suboffsets(&self) -> Option<&[isize]> {
334 unsafe {
335 if self.0.suboffsets.is_null() {
336 None
337 } else {
338 Some(slice::from_raw_parts(
339 self.0.suboffsets,
340 self.0.ndim as usize,
341 ))
342 }
343 }
344 }
346 #[inline]
348 pub fn format(&self) -> &CStr {
349 if self.0.format.is_null() {
350 ffi::c_str!("B")
351 } else {
352 unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(self.0.format) }
353 }
354 }
356 #[inline]
358 pub fn is_c_contiguous(&self) -> bool {
359 unsafe { ffi::PyBuffer_IsContiguous(&*self.0, b'C' as std::os::raw::c_char) != 0 }
360 }
362 #[inline]
364 pub fn is_fortran_contiguous(&self) -> bool {
365 unsafe { ffi::PyBuffer_IsContiguous(&*self.0, b'F' as std::os::raw::c_char) != 0 }
366 }
368 pub fn as_slice<'a>(&'a self, _py: Python<'a>) -> Option<&'a [ReadOnlyCell<T>]> {
378 if self.is_c_contiguous() {
379 unsafe {
380 Some(slice::from_raw_parts(
381 self.0.buf as *mut ReadOnlyCell<T>,
382 self.item_count(),
383 ))
384 }
385 } else {
386 None
387 }
388 }
390 pub fn as_mut_slice<'a>(&'a self, _py: Python<'a>) -> Option<&'a [cell::Cell<T>]> {
401 if !self.readonly() && self.is_c_contiguous() {
402 unsafe {
403 Some(slice::from_raw_parts(
404 self.0.buf as *mut cell::Cell<T>,
405 self.item_count(),
406 ))
407 }
408 } else {
409 None
410 }
411 }
413 pub fn as_fortran_slice<'a>(&'a self, _py: Python<'a>) -> Option<&'a [ReadOnlyCell<T>]> {
423 if mem::size_of::<T>() == self.item_size() && self.is_fortran_contiguous() {
424 unsafe {
425 Some(slice::from_raw_parts(
426 self.0.buf as *mut ReadOnlyCell<T>,
427 self.item_count(),
428 ))
429 }
430 } else {
431 None
432 }
433 }
435 pub fn as_fortran_mut_slice<'a>(&'a self, _py: Python<'a>) -> Option<&'a [cell::Cell<T>]> {
446 if !self.readonly() && self.is_fortran_contiguous() {
447 unsafe {
448 Some(slice::from_raw_parts(
449 self.0.buf as *mut cell::Cell<T>,
450 self.item_count(),
451 ))
452 }
453 } else {
454 None
455 }
456 }
458 pub fn copy_to_slice(&self, py: Python<'_>, target: &mut [T]) -> PyResult<()> {
468 self._copy_to_slice(py, target, b'C')
469 }
471 pub fn copy_to_fortran_slice(&self, py: Python<'_>, target: &mut [T]) -> PyResult<()> {
481 self._copy_to_slice(py, target, b'F')
482 }
484 fn _copy_to_slice(&self, py: Python<'_>, target: &mut [T], fort: u8) -> PyResult<()> {
485 if mem::size_of_val(target) != self.len_bytes() {
486 return Err(PyBufferError::new_err(format!(
487 "slice to copy to (of length {}) does not match buffer length of {}",
488 target.len(),
489 self.item_count()
490 )));
491 }
493 err::error_on_minusone(py, unsafe {
494 ffi::PyBuffer_ToContiguous(
495 target.as_mut_ptr().cast(),
496 #[cfg(Py_3_11)]
497 &*self.0,
498 #[cfg(not(Py_3_11))]
499 {
500 &*self.0 as *const ffi::Py_buffer as *mut ffi::Py_buffer
501 },
502 self.0.len,
503 fort as std::os::raw::c_char,
504 )
505 })
506 }
508 pub fn to_vec(&self, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult<Vec<T>> {
513 self._to_vec(py, b'C')
514 }
516 pub fn to_fortran_vec(&self, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult<Vec<T>> {
521 self._to_vec(py, b'F')
522 }
524 fn _to_vec(&self, py: Python<'_>, fort: u8) -> PyResult<Vec<T>> {
525 let item_count = self.item_count();
526 let mut vec: Vec<T> = Vec::with_capacity(item_count);
528 err::error_on_minusone(py, unsafe {
531 ffi::PyBuffer_ToContiguous(
532 vec.as_ptr() as *mut raw::c_void,
533 #[cfg(Py_3_11)]
534 &*self.0,
535 #[cfg(not(Py_3_11))]
536 {
537 &*self.0 as *const ffi::Py_buffer as *mut ffi::Py_buffer
538 },
539 self.0.len,
540 fort as std::os::raw::c_char,
541 )
542 })?;
543 unsafe { vec.set_len(item_count) };
545 Ok(vec)
546 }
548 pub fn copy_from_slice(&self, py: Python<'_>, source: &[T]) -> PyResult<()> {
559 self._copy_from_slice(py, source, b'C')
560 }
562 pub fn copy_from_fortran_slice(&self, py: Python<'_>, source: &[T]) -> PyResult<()> {
573 self._copy_from_slice(py, source, b'F')
574 }
576 fn _copy_from_slice(&self, py: Python<'_>, source: &[T], fort: u8) -> PyResult<()> {
577 if self.readonly() {
578 return Err(PyBufferError::new_err("cannot write to read-only buffer"));
579 } else if mem::size_of_val(source) != self.len_bytes() {
580 return Err(PyBufferError::new_err(format!(
581 "slice to copy from (of length {}) does not match buffer length of {}",
582 source.len(),
583 self.item_count()
584 )));
585 }
587 err::error_on_minusone(py, unsafe {
588 ffi::PyBuffer_FromContiguous(
589 #[cfg(Py_3_11)]
590 &*self.0,
591 #[cfg(not(Py_3_11))]
592 {
593 &*self.0 as *const ffi::Py_buffer as *mut ffi::Py_buffer
594 },
595 #[cfg(Py_3_11)]
596 {
597 source.as_ptr().cast()
598 },
599 #[cfg(not(Py_3_11))]
600 {
601 source.as_ptr() as *mut raw::c_void
602 },
603 self.0.len,
604 fort as std::os::raw::c_char,
605 )
606 })
607 }
609 pub fn release(self, _py: Python<'_>) {
614 let mut mdself = mem::ManuallyDrop::new(self);
618 unsafe {
619 ffi::PyBuffer_Release(&mut *mdself.0);
622 let inner: *mut Pin<Box<ffi::Py_buffer>> = &mut mdself.0;
625 ptr::drop_in_place(inner);
626 }
627 }
630impl<T> Drop for PyBuffer<T> {
631 fn drop(&mut self) {
632 Python::with_gil(|_| unsafe { ffi::PyBuffer_Release(&mut *self.0) });
633 }
642pub struct ReadOnlyCell<T: Element>(cell::UnsafeCell<T>);
644impl<T: Element> ReadOnlyCell<T> {
645 #[inline]
647 pub fn get(&self) -> T {
648 unsafe { *self.0.get() }
649 }
651 #[inline]
653 pub fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const T {
654 self.0.get()
655 }
658macro_rules! impl_element(
659 ($t:ty, $f:ident) => {
660 unsafe impl Element for $t {
661 fn is_compatible_format(format: &CStr) -> bool {
662 let slice = format.to_bytes();
663 if slice.len() > 1 && !is_matching_endian(slice[0]) {
664 return false;
665 }
666 ElementType::from_format(format) == ElementType::$f { bytes: mem::size_of::<$t>() }
667 }
668 }
669 }
672impl_element!(u8, UnsignedInteger);
673impl_element!(u16, UnsignedInteger);
674impl_element!(u32, UnsignedInteger);
675impl_element!(u64, UnsignedInteger);
676impl_element!(usize, UnsignedInteger);
677impl_element!(i8, SignedInteger);
678impl_element!(i16, SignedInteger);
679impl_element!(i32, SignedInteger);
680impl_element!(i64, SignedInteger);
681impl_element!(isize, SignedInteger);
682impl_element!(f32, Float);
683impl_element!(f64, Float);
686mod tests {
687 use super::PyBuffer;
688 use crate::ffi;
689 use crate::types::any::PyAnyMethods;
690 use crate::Python;
692 #[test]
693 fn test_debug() {
694 Python::with_gil(|py| {
695 let bytes = py.eval(ffi::c_str!("b'abcde'"), None, None).unwrap();
696 let buffer: PyBuffer<u8> = PyBuffer::get(&bytes).unwrap();
697 let expected = format!(
698 concat!(
699 "PyBuffer {{ buf: {:?}, obj: {:?}, ",
700 "len: 5, itemsize: 1, readonly: 1, ",
701 "ndim: 1, format: {:?}, shape: {:?}, ",
702 "strides: {:?}, suboffsets: {:?}, internal: {:?} }}",
703 ),
704 buffer.0.buf,
705 buffer.0.obj,
706 buffer.0.format,
707 buffer.0.shape,
708 buffer.0.strides,
709 buffer.0.suboffsets,
710 buffer.0.internal
711 );
712 let debug_repr = format!("{:?}", buffer);
713 assert_eq!(debug_repr, expected);
714 });
715 }
717 #[test]
718 fn test_element_type_from_format() {
719 use super::ElementType;
720 use super::ElementType::*;
721 use std::mem::size_of;
722 use std::os::raw;
724 for (cstr, expected) in [
725 (
727 ffi::c_str!("@b"),
728 SignedInteger {
729 bytes: size_of::<raw::c_schar>(),
730 },
731 ),
732 (
733 ffi::c_str!("@c"),
734 UnsignedInteger {
735 bytes: size_of::<raw::c_char>(),
736 },
737 ),
738 (
739 ffi::c_str!("@b"),
740 SignedInteger {
741 bytes: size_of::<raw::c_schar>(),
742 },
743 ),
744 (
745 ffi::c_str!("@B"),
746 UnsignedInteger {
747 bytes: size_of::<raw::c_uchar>(),
748 },
749 ),
750 (ffi::c_str!("@?"), Bool),
751 (
752 ffi::c_str!("@h"),
753 SignedInteger {
754 bytes: size_of::<raw::c_short>(),
755 },
756 ),
757 (
758 ffi::c_str!("@H"),
759 UnsignedInteger {
760 bytes: size_of::<raw::c_ushort>(),
761 },
762 ),
763 (
764 ffi::c_str!("@i"),
765 SignedInteger {
766 bytes: size_of::<raw::c_int>(),
767 },
768 ),
769 (
770 ffi::c_str!("@I"),
771 UnsignedInteger {
772 bytes: size_of::<raw::c_uint>(),
773 },
774 ),
775 (
776 ffi::c_str!("@l"),
777 SignedInteger {
778 bytes: size_of::<raw::c_long>(),
779 },
780 ),
781 (
782 ffi::c_str!("@L"),
783 UnsignedInteger {
784 bytes: size_of::<raw::c_ulong>(),
785 },
786 ),
787 (
788 ffi::c_str!("@q"),
789 SignedInteger {
790 bytes: size_of::<raw::c_longlong>(),
791 },
792 ),
793 (
794 ffi::c_str!("@Q"),
795 UnsignedInteger {
796 bytes: size_of::<raw::c_ulonglong>(),
797 },
798 ),
799 (
800 ffi::c_str!("@n"),
801 SignedInteger {
802 bytes: size_of::<libc::ssize_t>(),
803 },
804 ),
805 (
806 ffi::c_str!("@N"),
807 UnsignedInteger {
808 bytes: size_of::<libc::size_t>(),
809 },
810 ),
811 (ffi::c_str!("@e"), Float { bytes: 2 }),
812 (ffi::c_str!("@f"), Float { bytes: 4 }),
813 (ffi::c_str!("@d"), Float { bytes: 8 }),
814 (ffi::c_str!("@z"), Unknown),
815 (ffi::c_str!("=b"), SignedInteger { bytes: 1 }),
817 (ffi::c_str!("=c"), UnsignedInteger { bytes: 1 }),
818 (ffi::c_str!("=B"), UnsignedInteger { bytes: 1 }),
819 (ffi::c_str!("=?"), Bool),
820 (ffi::c_str!("=h"), SignedInteger { bytes: 2 }),
821 (ffi::c_str!("=H"), UnsignedInteger { bytes: 2 }),
822 (ffi::c_str!("=l"), SignedInteger { bytes: 4 }),
823 (ffi::c_str!("=l"), SignedInteger { bytes: 4 }),
824 (ffi::c_str!("=I"), UnsignedInteger { bytes: 4 }),
825 (ffi::c_str!("=L"), UnsignedInteger { bytes: 4 }),
826 (ffi::c_str!("=q"), SignedInteger { bytes: 8 }),
827 (ffi::c_str!("=Q"), UnsignedInteger { bytes: 8 }),
828 (ffi::c_str!("=e"), Float { bytes: 2 }),
829 (ffi::c_str!("=f"), Float { bytes: 4 }),
830 (ffi::c_str!("=d"), Float { bytes: 8 }),
831 (ffi::c_str!("=z"), Unknown),
832 (ffi::c_str!("=0"), Unknown),
833 (ffi::c_str!(":b"), Unknown),
835 ] {
836 assert_eq!(
837 ElementType::from_format(cstr),
838 expected,
839 "element from format &Cstr: {:?}",
840 cstr,
841 );
842 }
843 }
845 #[test]
846 fn test_compatible_size() {
847 assert_eq!(
849 std::mem::size_of::<ffi::Py_ssize_t>(),
850 std::mem::size_of::<usize>()
851 );
852 }
854 #[test]
855 fn test_bytes_buffer() {
856 Python::with_gil(|py| {
857 let bytes = py.eval(ffi::c_str!("b'abcde'"), None, None).unwrap();
858 let buffer = PyBuffer::get(&bytes).unwrap();
859 assert_eq!(buffer.dimensions(), 1);
860 assert_eq!(buffer.item_count(), 5);
861 assert_eq!(buffer.format().to_str().unwrap(), "B");
862 assert_eq!(buffer.shape(), [5]);
863 assert!(buffer.is_c_contiguous());
865 assert!(buffer.is_fortran_contiguous());
867 let slice = buffer.as_slice(py).unwrap();
868 assert_eq!(slice.len(), 5);
869 assert_eq!(slice[0].get(), b'a');
870 assert_eq!(slice[2].get(), b'c');
872 assert_eq!(unsafe { *(buffer.get_ptr(&[1]) as *mut u8) }, b'b');
874 assert!(buffer.as_mut_slice(py).is_none());
876 assert!(buffer.copy_to_slice(py, &mut [0u8]).is_err());
877 let mut arr = [0; 5];
878 buffer.copy_to_slice(py, &mut arr).unwrap();
879 assert_eq!(arr, b"abcde" as &[u8]);
881 assert!(buffer.copy_from_slice(py, &[0u8; 5]).is_err());
882 assert_eq!(buffer.to_vec(py).unwrap(), b"abcde");
883 });
884 }
886 #[test]
887 fn test_array_buffer() {
888 Python::with_gil(|py| {
889 let array = py
890 .import("array")
891 .unwrap()
892 .call_method("array", ("f", (1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5)), None)
893 .unwrap();
894 let buffer = PyBuffer::get(&array).unwrap();
895 assert_eq!(buffer.dimensions(), 1);
896 assert_eq!(buffer.item_count(), 4);
897 assert_eq!(buffer.format().to_str().unwrap(), "f");
898 assert_eq!(buffer.shape(), [4]);
900 let slice = buffer.as_slice(py).unwrap();
906 assert_eq!(slice.len(), 4);
907 assert_eq!(slice[0].get(), 1.0);
908 assert_eq!(slice[3].get(), 2.5);
910 let mut_slice = buffer.as_mut_slice(py).unwrap();
911 assert_eq!(mut_slice.len(), 4);
912 assert_eq!(mut_slice[0].get(), 1.0);
913 mut_slice[3].set(2.75);
914 assert_eq!(slice[3].get(), 2.75);
916 buffer
917 .copy_from_slice(py, &[10.0f32, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0])
918 .unwrap();
919 assert_eq!(slice[2].get(), 12.0);
921 assert_eq!(buffer.to_vec(py).unwrap(), [10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0]);
923 let buffer = PyBuffer::get(&array).unwrap();
925 let slice = buffer.as_fortran_slice(py).unwrap();
926 assert_eq!(slice.len(), 4);
927 assert_eq!(slice[1].get(), 11.0);
929 let mut_slice = buffer.as_fortran_mut_slice(py).unwrap();
930 assert_eq!(mut_slice.len(), 4);
931 assert_eq!(mut_slice[2].get(), 12.0);
932 mut_slice[3].set(2.75);
933 assert_eq!(slice[3].get(), 2.75);
935 buffer
936 .copy_from_fortran_slice(py, &[10.0f32, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0])
937 .unwrap();
938 assert_eq!(slice[2].get(), 12.0);
940 assert_eq!(buffer.to_fortran_vec(py).unwrap(), [10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0]);
941 });
942 }