Module compat

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C API Compatibility Shims

Some CPython C API functions added in recent versions of Python are inherently safer to use than older C API constructs. This module exposes functions available on all Python versions that wrap the old C API on old Python versions and wrap the function directly on newer Python versions.


pub use self::py_3_10::*;
pub use self::py_3_13::*;
pub use self::py_3_9::*;


py_3_9 πŸ”’
py_3_10 πŸ”’
py_3_13 πŸ”’


compat_function πŸ”’
Internal helper macro which defines compatibility shims for C API functions, deferring to a re-export when that’s available.
⚠️ Internal Docs ⚠️ Not Public API πŸ‘‰ Official Docs Here